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Gefunden: Ayios Georgios Alamanos #8

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On our first day on the wonderful island of Cyprus this was Cache #10 on our "Discover the surroundings of our Holiday Home Tour".

Finding a path to the hiding of this cache was a little bit tricky as the OSM based maps in our Garmin devices showed a clear path which seems to have vanished in the meantime. So we took the almost direct path downhill and across a fallow field. First searched the wrong area then sticking more to the GPS coords and then easily found.

Thank you for creating this wonderful geowalk. It was also manageable for couch potatoes like us (we had to take a relaxing day afterwards ) and always worthwhile with nice surroundings and breathtaking views. We will be heading out for more.

greetinx from Hamburg
Owner: Amathus Aunties
Typ: traditional
D/T: 2.5/3.5
Land: Zypern
Koordinaten : N 34° 42.489 E 033° 14.201
Gelegt: 31.12.2010
Status: ok
Gefunden: 08.05.2012