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Gefunden: Dragonera TOP -Faro de na P̣pia-

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Found this one during our MallorGEO 2010 holiday on this wonderful island.

After the long and icy winter in Hamburg we are really out of training for this kind of hike. But we enjoyed climbing uphill very much and the views were award enough for the aching muscles.
We had the correct suspicion about the hiding and so it was an easy find.
Afterward we enjoyed our picknick and had much fun feeding the geckos with cookies. Yes, they really jump on your hands to get the cookie crumbs.

thank you for taking us here.
TFTC fine_turtle
GCId: GC224R8
Owner: Quadmaster
Typ: traditional
D/T: 4/4.5
Land: Spanien
Region: Islas Baleares
Koordinaten : N 39° 35.181 E 002° 19.028
Gelegt: 02.01.2010
Status: ok
Gefunden: 05.04.2010
Aussicht von ObenAussicht andere Richtung350m senkrecht nach unten