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Gefunden: Furna

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As the weathter on the south coast today was not very good, we wanted to give a chance to the north coast.
WOW! This was a cool one. We almost missed it because our goal for today was Santana and it was getting later and later. But thank god we stopped here for this box, which really was one of the highlights today. Nice area, nice hiding and a logroll that will last for a very long time

thank you for taking us here and greetings from Hamburg
Owner: JP & Family
Typ: traditional
D/T: 3.5/3.5
Land: Portugal
Region: Arquipélago da Madeira
Koordinaten : N 32° 49.776 W 016° 57.097
Gelegt: 21.01.2012
Status: ok
Gefunden: 27.12.2013