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Gefunden: PT - Casa de Santana #29 - Bónus

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Thanks to the quick help of the owners we were able to correct our calculation and and head to the 2 missing bonus caches.
In pouring rain we drove up again to Paul da Serra today to find the missing boxes. Due to the clever construction everything was dry inside despite of the pouring rain.

I want to send a big thank you to the owners for creating and maintaining this marvellous powertrail. Also I want to thank you for your help in correcting our calculation. It wouldn't have been this perfect experience with two missing bonus caches. OBRIGADA!

greetings from Hamburg
Owner: João Marçal, CarlaSousa87, jp 400
Typ: mystery
D/T: 2/5
Land: Portugal
Region: Arquipélago da Madeira
Koordinaten : N 32° 44.850 W 017° 5.080
Gelegt: 27.03.2013
Status: ok
Gefunden: 27.12.2013