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Gefunden: Sunset - Lostplace

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For MallorGEO 2011 we stayed on this wonderful island for a short holiday.

We already solved this mystery at home but left the notes on our desk. So we had to do it again while sitting in the sun with a delicious cafe con leche which was not that bad .
Wonderful place thank you for taking us here.

TFTC and greetinx from Hamburg
GCId: GC2406X
Owner: LosMosquitos
Typ: mystery
D/T: 2/2
Land: Spanien
Region: Islas Baleares
Koordinaten : N 39° 30.333 E 002° 43.999
Gelegt: 15.02.2010
Status: ok
Gefunden: 17.04.2011