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Gefunden: small church over Erato

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We took the lazy way and drove up the dirt road up to the gate. Unfortuanately we found the gate closed and locked. We went along the fence to find another gate, but this was also locked. When we got back to the gate there was another man also looking how to get in. He was not a geocacher but wanted to visit the church. We looked if the key might be hidden somewhere but did not find anything to help us. At last we moved the gate a little bit and were able to get through.
While the man was visiting the church we were able to seek for the cache which was easily found.
IN: keyring
OUT: GoldMedal
Afterwards we enjoyed the wonderful view to the sea and the mountains. Unfortuanately I had forgotten my camera today so we only have some photos taken with the mobile phone, but this should be enough for remembering how wonderful this place is.
Thank you for taking us here.
Efcharisto poli yia ti cache
greetings from Hamburg
Owner: Vienchen
Typ: traditional
D/T: 1/1.5
Land: Griechenland
Koordinaten : N 35° 18.700 E 025° 16.002
Gelegt: 04.06.2007
Status: ok
Gefunden: 05.09.2009